Bmo atrium brickworks

bmo atrium brickworks

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Emerald Green Wedding Inspiration - Pink Book Weddings
Set in the Don River Valley of Toronto, Evergreen Brick Works is a stunning and sought after wedding venue. The BMO Centre offers a double high ceiling. Our spaces offer various capacities, from an intimate gathering in the BMO Atrium to a 2,person standing reception in the Pavilions or CRH Gallery. We also. The BMO Atrium offers a double ceiling height space on the main floor of the Centre for Green Cities, the new LEED� Platinum building onsite. It is in close.
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We were set up in our dressing rooms, given our timelines and provided exceptional support from Alison and Rasmus. Overlooking the ponds and the Weston Family Quarry Garden, the terrace offers a stunning view of the parkland. Evergreen Brick Works also has a variety of different spaces which can be used for anything from small meetings to large galas.